On this page you can find the committees that are active at HC Rotterdam. Press the relevant committee and see how you can reach them.
The Sponsor Committee is responsible for bringing in new sponsors and managing current sponsorship relationships.
The friends of HC Rotterdam is the business club of HC Rotterdam. This club organizes annual meetings and events at the club.
Financial administration: Is responsible for all incoming and outgoing invoices. In addition, they are also responsible for the annual accounts, reporting and ensuring that all payments are made on time.
The arbitration committee is responsible for arranging all matters relating to the arbitration policy.
Membership administration: Is responsible for the membership administration of the seniors.
Regional youth JO16-O18 line: Is responsible for all matters surrounding the JO16-O18 line.
Minis - Coordinator: Is responsible for all matters surrounding the minis.
Clothing committee: Is responsible for the competition shirts of the top youth & region top youth.
Confidentiality Committee: You can contact us if undesirable or inappropriate behavior has occurred.
Competition Secretary: Is responsible for all matters surrounding youth competitions.
Strength & Conditioning & Medical Affairs Policy Committee: Advises teams in the areas of strength, conditioning & medical matters.
Mini events: Is responsible for all matters surrounding mini events.
International Committee: Helps organize major matches at the club (Play-offs & Internationals).
Social media: Is responsible for all matters surrounding social media.
• All Rights Reserved HC Rotterdam