Saturday selection procedure for youth referees

Every week, approximately 36 youth teams play a home match at HC Rotterdam; a total of about 720 home games in the entire season. With the exception of a small number of matches for which federation or CS referees are appointed, these youth matches are generally refereed by a parent and a youth referee.

The KNHB has stated that every youth member, from 1st year B, is obliged to successfully complete the exam.

The Arbitration Committee is responsible for the classification of the youth referees. The committee emphasizes the importance that all B and A youth players and as many parents as possible have a referee card.

The classification procedure is as follows:

1. The aim is always to have the competition planning ready two weeks in advance and published via the website/app.

2. First we look at which matches are refereed by association referees. Youth referees will be assigned to all remaining matches.

3. When scheduling, only youth members who are also playing at home that weekend will be assigned. Your own playing schedule is taken into account as much as possible, you can be assigned both before and after your own match. The basic principle is that the A teams referee the matches of the B and A teams and that B players are deployed for the matches of the D and C teams. However, it may also happen that a B or A player has to whistle for peers.

4. Immediately upon registration in LISA, an automatically generated email will be sent to the youth member in question with information about the assigned competition.

5. If a youth referee is unable to referee the match, he/she must arrange for a replacement or exchange of the whistle.

6. On match day, both referees report to the match table in the clubhouse.

7. If the youth referee or his/her replacement does not show up for the match, he/she will be reassigned the following weekend. The team manager will also be informed. If you stay away a second time, your own team may not be assigned a referee the following weekend.

8. For the coming season, the A-youth and the second-year B-youth, who do not have a referee card, will also be assigned to whistle. In the second half of the season this also applies to the first-year B youth. They will then have to arrange for someone to referee the match. These young people have now had more than enough opportunities to take the exam.

9. All youth members, both from the top teams and the broad teams, are classified. The aim is to have everyone blow the whistle approximately the same number of times per season. This amounts to 2-3 times per season.

Every match deserves good arbitration, refereed by referees who act independently and have knowledge of the rules of the game. Everyone, from player to audience, greatly appreciates when a match is refereed well. Fortunately, it is the experience of the arbitration committee that most B and A members take responsibility for refereeing a number of youth matches and it is rarely necessary to impose sanctions for no-show. We are therefore looking forward to the new season with confidence.

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